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Post B'nai Mitzvah

Our teen community comes together on Monday nights as a single community to enjoy an informal dinner with friends. They participate in interactive classes designed to help them explore Judaism from a new vantage point. Each class includes a community-building element to forge connections among the teens. They’re also encouraged to get creative through discussions, debates, role-playing, and art which make the learning fun and stimulating.

Kesher (8th and 9th grade)

Temple Beth Tikvah is committed to our teens’ Jewish journey, and offers a learning community for rising 8th and 9th graders that is both creative and compelling. Our students share concerns that confront young people in a safe place, discover how they can "own" their Jewish experiences differently after they become b’nai mitzvah, and strengthen their own Jewish identities. Because Jewish education is a lifelong endeavor, this program engages our students in meaningful ways, builds a stronger youth community, and prepares them for making Jewish choices in “the real world.”

Confirmation (10th grade)

During 10th grade, our students study directly with Rabbi Shuval-Weiner as together they explore their personal Jewish Journeys. This personal learning experience involves exploring, “G-d, Torah, and Israel” through contemporary themes and classic Jewish sources. Students take a four-day trip to the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism in Washington, D.C. The year concludes with a confirmation ceremony held in our sanctuary under the guidance of Rabbi Shuval-Weiner and Cantor Kassel.

Kivunim (11th and 12th grade)

This year of continued learning addresses the needs of our post-Confirmation students. Meaning “pathways,” Kivunim helps students think about what comes next by discussing topics related to living an independent Jewish life after high school while also addressing challenging questions that may confront Reform Jewish students.
For more information about any of these programs, including dates and fees, please refer to our Registration Forms or contact the Religious School directly at 770-642-4168.
Tue, March 4 2025 4 Adar 5785